Illustrating the characters based off their descriptions

 As a way of beginning my visual research I thought a good place to start would be by illustrating the characters of the story based off the descriptions which I wrote down as I was listening to the audio book. This gave me a starting point for development.

Quite a basic character , not very recognisable as a time traveller based off description alone.

Full body exploration, starting to think about things like pocket watches and other small trinkets that could hold relevance to this story and the general theme. 
In context the Eloi should look very unusual but as single illustrations I do worry that people would not know what they are or are meant to be.
The morlocks design is the most striking and will definitely give a monster feeling to anything I add them to even if the viewer doesn't know the story of the time machine. 

This has been a really useful starting point as now I have some visual reference in my head that isn't taken from other peoples interpretations. Looking at my design and the design from the time machine film the difference in interpretation is huge and I really wanted to make sure that was the case. 
