Logos & Branding

 Today we were asked to start thinking about logos and possible branding for our illustration. 

These are some really quick ideas I came up with in my sketchbook

#1 / #1.1 - I often make comics or small animations based on this very simple character design, I tweak the character only very slightly to depict each person. I like the silly and sloppy nature of it and plan to do more in the future so I thought he could be a cool little mascot for my illustration.

#2 - name on a palette 

#3 Self portrait in my blocky digital style

#4 I am known for animal portraits and so I thought a really goofy looking one could be a cool idea, highly stylised, would be digital as this is how I do them

#5 Splash with the name inside, this is super basic and a bit cliche 

#6 Hard to see from this sketch but its the character again holding a pencil on his upper lip, this could be quite a fully little logo 

Rough digital renders of the first few ideas

I still don't really know what my brand identity is and I don't know yet what I consider to be the main focus of my work or the main style so its quite challenging coming up with something to represent myself with. At the moment my work is a bit of a mish mash of styles and ideas. 

I currently have a facebook, instagram and a website for my illustration but we came up with loads more that I could use to promote my artwork. 

I think that depending on which of my styles I am going for my art is usually aimed at a more adult audience. even the silly little character I do is more aimed at adults because the jokes are more adult in nature usually. I like combining silly childish things with adult themes but I also like painting very gritty portraits and things like that. 

Here are some of the ideas for online sale points we came up with : 

I need to think a lot more about my brand identity and what I want to come across as, and also consider who my audience is, which could be different depending on the platform I am promoting on. 

I want to keep my real name in my branding, I have been doing commissions and things since I was 15 and I have developed a small but loyal audience for my work and wouldn't want to cause confusion. 
