TIME MACHINE- initial research and Ideas

 Time Machine- HG Wells

HG Wells has been one of my favourite authors for some time; his works such as war of the worlds, the first men in the moon and time machine have intrigued me to no end so when I saw that I could use this source material for this project I jumped at the chance. There were other texts that I enjoy in the list, Frankenstein and Animal farm for example; but what separates them from time Machine is that they are so explored already for one and for two they are based on more realistic concepts. For example, farm animals already exist and we know what they look like and frankensteins monster may not exist but hes made up of human parts- time machine as I will get into later is based off speculative science, therefore there is no correct way of illustrating it. 

I have started with compiling illustrations I have found that have been done previously, some I feel represent what I picture when I read the text and other I think miss a lot of elements that I don't want to miss myself. Note that most of this is black and white, I believe mine won't be.

I have compiled some of what little there is that depicts this story already, its exciting for me because there is so much left to illustrate. The already existing examples of the humanoid creatures are not how I myself picture them and I am keen to demonstrate them in my own way. I also found very little on  the ending of this story, which is one of the most breath-taking endings in all that     Ive read, and I read a lot.
I am going to start my visual journey by illustrating the characters that appear in the book based off the descriptions and how I imagine them. I am listening to the book again despite having read this before.

Very basic overview of the story:
A time traveller recounts his travels through time to a group of men. He finds that in the future humans have evolved but split, branching off into more than one species. One of these is a prey human, lacks intelligence or much means of defence, very childlike and small, they live above ground in a kind of utopia. Then the other species is the hunting humans, who hunt the other ones. They are grotesque where the other is angelical and they live underground, they seem to possess more intelligence than the former. The time traveller explores their world, creates a kind of friendship with one of the angelical beings and has to retrieve his machine in order to leave. The time traveller ends the book by travelling further and further into the future; giant crabs and the heat death of the planet. I am re-reading to solidify any information that I have forgotten or overlooked, but this is the gist, overly simplified for now.
