Designs that can be applied to products

 Starting to think about more refined ideas now I have come up with a couple of ideas. These ideas could be applied to a lot of different products so I still have that flexibility with them.

This design was created with a print in mind. I don't want to have all the same products as everyone else but because my work is so different to other peoples I feel like a print will still sell. I really like this design because it has a very epic feeling to it. its got the sci-fi its got the crabs and its got just a general monster feeling to it that I think a lot of people will be interested in.
I have recently learnt how to do Riso prints for the first time and was very interested in doing one for this project as a way of making my print stand out from just the usual stuff. I like this design but I do worry its going to be too simple and wont take full advantage of the Riso process and its possibilities. 
