
Showing posts from November, 2022

Themed Sticker

 This is the final rendering of my sticker design. I have developed it further digitally and I have also added this element of making it look a little bit like an eye to add to the monster feeling for those paying closer attention to detail.  The next step is for me to learn how to create the cut path and get this sent off to production. Its important that I do this asap because there will be lots of people doing the same thing soon.

Online Presence

 Following our talk from Mark I have invested some more time into setting up a professional brand identity.  I have created a portfolio for people to view my work I created this website using the adobe portfolio app. I think this will appeal to a wide audience and looks very professional. I can have a link to this site on all of my social medias to draw traffic there.  My Facebook audience is mostly older people who have an interest in my pet portraits and for that reason my name is very clear and concise on there '' Art by Isabella Rawnsley''. My Instagram shares the same name as my portfolio '' illustration by Bella'' and has a younger audience sort of young adult to middle aged. These audience discrepancies I think are largely because of the audience for the social media itself, with older people liking to use Facebook and younger people gravitating towards Instagram.

Themed Business Card

 I want all my products to be themed for this event but still very much in my style and the business card and sticker also form part of this visual identity so I have created a themed limited run business card that people may want to keep. It will have my information on the back and make for a cool little addition to my sales.  Initial digital render  Final copy- increased saturation to make it pop a lot more and adjusted the hat rim shape, still not too sure about this but I think it looks pretty cool! I need to work out how many of these I will need I will print using inkjet onto card. 

Designs that can be applied to products

 Starting to think about more refined ideas now I have come up with a couple of ideas. These ideas could be applied to a lot of different products so I still have that flexibility with them. This design was created with a print in mind. I don't want to have all the same products as everyone else but because my work is so different to other peoples I feel like a print will still sell. I really like this design because it has a very epic feeling to it. its got the sci-fi its got the crabs and its got just a general monster feeling to it that I think a lot of people will be interested in. I have recently learnt how to do Riso prints for the first time and was very interested in doing one for this project as a way of making my print stand out from just the usual stuff. I like this design but I do worry its going to be too simple and wont take full advantage of the Riso process and its possibilities. 

Business Cards and Stickers

 As part of my packaging I want to create a limited run business card and sticker that will go into the products that I sell.  The reason for this is that I want my sales to feel like an experience for the customer, as if they are getting a package deal even with just one product. I also want to attract my audience of sci-fi lovers to my stall with lots of things that scream sci-fi. My audience shouldn't ONLY be people who like sci-fi though, I think that would be a narrow minded approach. I want to also create things that are unique and quirky that the general audience might also enjoy. I am also aware that crabs as well as frogs (for some reason unknown to me) are really popular animals at the moment with a lot of people interested in having things with them on. There are in fact crabs in the time machine so I think I will use this to my advantage.  I plan to use bio degradable plastic wrap and a sticker for the seal. This is to support the university's idea of making t...